
VestariaSagaIseriestellsthestoryofZadrian(Zade),anoblemanfromMeleda.WhenthepowerfulSolvianEmpireinvadestheirhomeland,Zadeisorderedby ...,由《聖火降魔錄》生父加賀昭三打造的策略新作《維斯塔利亞傳說(暫譯,原名:VestariaSaga)》系列第一章「WaroftheScions/亡国の騎士と星の巫女」將於2019年12 ...,JustfinishVS2today.Thisgameisabsolutelybeast.WatingforVS3.Hopethedevteamisingoodcondition.Ilikethisgameas...

Vestaria Saga I | Fire Emblem Wiki

Vestaria Saga I series tells the story of Zadrian (Zade), a nobleman from Meleda. When the powerful Solvian Empire invades their homeland, Zade is ordered by ...

由《聖火降魔錄》生父加賀昭三打造策略PC 新作《維斯塔利亞 ...

由《聖火降魔錄》生父加賀昭三打造的策略新作《維斯塔利亞傳說(暫譯,原名:Vestaria Saga)》系列第一章「War of the Scions/ 亡国の騎士と星の巫女」將於2019 年12 ...

Vestaria Saga II

Just finish VS 2 today. This game is absolutely beast. Wating for VS 3. Hope the dev team is in good condition. I like this game as well. Compare to Fire Emblem ...

Vestaria Saga I

Vestaria Saga tells the story of international conflict between a powerful empire and a small coastal kingdom. When an imperial ship is set ablaze near the port ...


Vestaria Saga is a strategy RPG where positioning, movement, and even weaponry, are paramount to success. Move your heavily armed units around a classically ...

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